Hey there, I'm the artist behind p0stmortem. I'm known more formally as my pen name
Mortem Graves and more casually as Duncan.
I've been doing some form of art ever since I could hold a pen and since then I have not
stopped drawing, painting, scratching, cutting, pasting, chewing, etc.
Though my work has touched many genres and styles, I always come back to horror as
my go-to.
I particularly enjoy using every artistic medium I can sink my teeth into and developing
interesting narratives with characters to match. If you asked me what I was trying to achieve
by creating so much junk, I'd say my goal is similar to most of my pursuits in life...
"To get a bite to eat."
I have a mind that is bursting at the seams with all sorts of little projects and stories
just itching to reach you.
Hand coded and well loved, this site is meant to be a slightly more formal portfolio of my work.
For my digital work I use a 10 year old Walcom Intuos Pen & Touch Medium and a pirated version of Sai2. Everything else is made with whatever I have laying around.